Is hydrogen really a fuel of the future? And how can Canada benefit?

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Is hydrogen really a fuel of the future? And how can Canada benefit?
Is hydrogen really a fuel of the future? And how can Canada benefit?
Remember the 90’s? When hydrogen fuel cells were the next big thing? Well, hydrogen is back in a big way, with federal and provincial announcements that Canada is stepping up to invest and build infrastructure. So what’s the benefit of hydrogen? How did it come back on the radar so quickly? And how does Canada stand to benefit?
These are the kinds of questions that our expert panel will discuss. Sign up now to be part of the discussion on this new direction in the energy sector.
The Hon. Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Natural Resources
Michael Liebreich, CEO, Liebreich Associates
Sara Hastings-Simon, Senior Researcher, Colorado School of Mines
Moderated by:
Blake Shaffer, Assistant Professor, The School of Public Policy
There is no cost to register. The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Please share this with those who might be interested.
Contact us at with any questions.
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