Policy in Agriculture Webinar Series – Part 1: Stuck in the Middle? Farm Sizes in Canadian Agri-Food

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Policy in Agriculture Webinar Series – Part 1: Stuck in the Middle? Farm Sizes in Canadian Agri-Food
The School of Public Policy and the Simpson Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy is pleased to host the Simpson Centre Public Education Series, sponsored by UFA and the RCF.
This series focuses on the triple bottom line for agriculture: industry growth, social and labour considerations, as well as environmental impacts.
The Simpson Centre mobilizes research for better policymaking and decision-making to realize a more sustainable agricultural industry. Strengthening the sustainability of agri-food and agribusiness means increasing food production to feed a growing global population, while attending to social and health impacts and the natural environment. We connect researchers, everyday people, industry stakeholders and government actors to scientific issues critical to the future of Canada’s agricultural and food system.
About the webinar:
A look at the shifting size and structure of farms in Canada. What happened to mid-sized farms? The largest 10% of farms in Canada produce 2/3 of all revenue (according to Agricultural and Agri-Food Canada), and the average farm size has doubled over the last 50 years due to increased consolidation and technological advances. The profile of so-called “average” farms has given way to much smaller, specialized farms. Volume-wise, small farms are less productive. What has happened to influence the types and sizes of operations, how has it impacted Can ag, and is it good or bad for our food system? What policy work is being done around this issue, and how is it being approached (i.e., as an opportunity, as a vulnerability)? How does it intersect with other issues in Canadian agriculture, such as challenges securing financing or labour shortages?
Featured Panelists:
- Dr. Sara Epp, University of Guelph
- Dr. André Magnan, University of Regina
Moderated by:
- John Bailey, The Simpson Centre
There is no cost to register. The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues that may be interested.
Contact us at sppcomm@ucalgary.ca with any questions.