U.S. Election Webinar Series: Pre-Election Expert Panel

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U.S. Election Webinar Series: Pre-Election Expert Panel
All previous language about the importance of an election now sound like clichés. After four years of a tumultuous Trump presidency, U.S. cities are on fire, COVID has killed 200,000 Americans, and debt and deficit now seem out of control. The U.S. seems on a precipice, perhaps able to drag the western world down with it.
But what does the upcoming election mean for Canada? What are some of the implications for either a Biden or Trump win? Is the U.S. facing an existential threat, or can its system of checks and balances maintain order and some good government?
Please join a panel of experts as we discuss these questions, and take yours. The panel will also provide a primer on the U.S. electoral system.
MODERATOR: Dr. Pierre Gerlier Forest, Professor and Director, James S. and Barbara A. Palmer Chair in Public Policy, School of Public Policy, University of Calgary
Dr. Christopher Sands, Director, Canada Institute, The Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, and Senior Research Professor, Canadian Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University
Luiza Savage, Executive Director, Editorial Initiatives, POLITICO
Additional Panelist TBA
There is no cost to register. Webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Please share this with those who might be interested.
Contact us at spprsvp@ucalgary.ca with any questions.