The following statements can be quoted, and should be attributed to Prof. Jack Mintz, Director and Palmer Chair at the School of Public Policy December 9, 2014 “I believe the Ontario Securities Commission is following a prudent path in creating an Offering Memorandum regime similar to those in Quebec, Alberta, BC and other provinces. However, […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the most commonly diagnosed neurological disorder in children. Over the past 30 years, ASD prevalence has risen by 600 per cent.  It is sometimes claimed that families living with ASD are migrating to Alberta to access higher funding for ASD support.  Prevalence estimation has an important role in informing policy […]

Given the large Caribbean diaspora in Toronto and Montreal, and the fact that a great number of Canadian vacationers escape to Caribbean destinations every winter, there is no question that connections between Canada and the Caribbean are important. Canadian businesses have also made major investments in the Caribbean, especially in the finance and resource sectors. […]

What is the main reason for government debt accumulation in Canada?  Is the main driver of debt the public policy choices made by governments, or are non-policy factors, like interest rates and the economic environment to blame?  Answering this question is the first step for governments to take in order to get that debt under […]

As anyone paying attention during the 2008–2009 financial crisis is aware, the Canadian financial system weathered the storm uniquely well. Exactly why Canada’s system remained so comparatively stable, while so many other foreign systems broke down, is a question that remains largely unsettled. One explanation may be that the regulatory system that emerged from a […]