Resources, Development and Infrastructure in Northern Australia: Lessons for Northern Canada

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Resources, Development and Infrastructure in Northern Australia: Lessons for Northern Canada
Ian Satchwell, Adjunct Professor, The University of Queensland, virtually shares his research from Perth, Australia about lessons that can be applied to Canada’s Northern Corridor Program.
Mineral and energy development in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and the Central Queensland Coalfields over 50 years has transformed these regions into global resource powerhouses. Approaches to development, infrastructure and supply chains followed pathways that were different in several ways, resulting in contrasting outcomes.
Recent shifts in government policies, however, have resulted in a closer alignment of development strategies between the two regions. The experience of these Northern Australian regions holds lessons for development in Canada’s North and elsewhere.
This webinar will discuss the conclusions of a new paper in the Canadian Northern Corridor series that examines development experience in the two Australian regions and makes recommendations for development in other resource-rich regions.