Seizing Calgary’s Opportunities in the Energy Transition

Watch the Keynote and panel discussion Summary
Seizing Calgary’s Opportunities in the Energy Transition
The global transition to a low carbon future is imminent. Major trading partners like the U.S. are passing new legislation supporting decarbonization and technological innovation driving down the costs of low carbon energy. The result will reshape global energy markets and present both major challenges and exciting opportunities for Calgary.
Our city has the resources, institutional knowledge, and entrepreneurial drive to seize the lead in this transformation. What factors are at play that should be considered? What does it mean for Calgarians?
Join The School of Public Policy at the newly opened Energy Transition Centre for a keynote and panel discussion on the opportunities for Calgary and what it will take to capitalize on them.
Keynote speaker and award-winning author, Chris Turner, will share a perspective from his new book on “How to be a Climate Optimist”. Following the keynote, a panel discussion will explore a range of perspectives on Calgary’s opportunities and the role of both leaders and individuals in approaching the transition.