GHG Emissions & Agriculture: How is Canada doing on the international stage?

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GHG Emissions & Agriculture: How is Canada doing on the international stage?
Every year, in April, Canada submits its National Inventory Report (NIR) on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In 2022, all economic sectors posted a decline in GHG emissions between 2005 and 2020, except for agriculture, where emissions slightly increased.
This webinar will discuss the data reported in this year’s NIR on Canada’s GHG emissions for different economic sectors and consider trends over the past two decades. Lead researcher on the Carbon Program, Josh Bourassa, will walk you through the trends in agriculture emissions in comparative economies and address important questions about whether we are on track to achieve our national target by 2030, and what is the way forward.
- Josh Bourassa, Research Associate, The Simpson Centre, The School of Public Policy
- Shawn Wiskar, Policy Analyst, The Simpson Centre, The School of Public Policy
There is no cost to register. The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues that may be interested.
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The Simpson Centre mobilizes research for better policymaking and decision-making to realize a more sustainable agricultural industry. Strengthening the sustainability of agri-food and agribusiness means increasing food production to feed a growing global population, while attending to social and health impacts and the natural environment. We connect researchers, everyday people, industry stakeholders and government actors to scientific issues critical to the future of Canada’s agricultural and food system.