The fight for the vaccinable middle – Public attitudes toward a COVID-19 vaccine in Canada and the World

4:00 - 5:30 p.m. MST
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The roll-out of several COVID-19 vaccines presents public health authorities in Canada and the world with a new policy challenge – convincing an increasingly distrustful public to get vaccinated. What is driving the apparent increase in vaccine skepticism, and what can public health agencies do to improve public acceptance? Join us for a discussion on the influence of social media, growing distrust of institutions, foreign actors, memes, and how governments can win back public trust.
Grab your favorite drink to join our panel of experts for a virtual policy and a pint. This event is perfect for those who like to lift an elbow, while learning.
- Dr. Cora Constantinescu, Pediatric Infectious Disease, University of Calgary
- Dr. Raj Pannu, Co-founder & CEO, Emergence
- Dr. JC Boucher, Assistant Professor, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary