The Future of Canadian Agribusiness

1:00 - 1:45 p.m. MST
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The Future of Canadian Agribusiness
Canada feeds the world with its agrifoods exports, and Canadians care about our environment, sustainability, and keeping Canadians employed. With the backdrop of a year of COVID-19, join us for an introduction into Canada’s key agriculture challenges, and the important work of the Simpson Centre for Agricultural and Food Innovation and Public Education. At this event, we are also pleased to introduce the Simpson Centre’s inaugural Director, Dr. Guillaume Lhermie.
- Dr. Guillaume Lhermie, Director, Simpson Centre for Agricultural and Food Innovation and Public Education, The School of Public Policy, Associate Professor, Production Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Dr. PG Forest, Professor and Director, The School of Public Policy
- Dr. Rob McCorkell, A. Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Moderator – Luree Williamson, CEO, Agriculture for Life Inc.
There is no cost to register. The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues that may be interested.
Contact us at with any questions.