Press releases

On Tuesday, August 27, James (Jim) S. Palmer passed away at the age of 84. Originating from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Jim came to Calgary in 1952, with his wife, Barbara, as a fifth-generation lawyer. Here, Jim was well recognized as a leader in business, tax and international law, and for helping grow his firm, […]

The price of health care in Canada continues to rise, and with today’s physicians earning nearly four-and-half-times that of the average Canadian, one source of that increase is doctors themselves. A report published today by The School of Public Policy, written by Hugh Grant and Jeremiah Hurley, takes an in-depth look at the drastic rise […]

National strategies like the recent Economic Action Plan are not the best answer for combating job losses caused by recession, according to a report published today by The School of Public Policy written by Professor Ron Kneebone and Margarita Gres. “A nationally applied policy response will be appropriate for some regions of the country but […]

Canada’s approach to health care is primarily focused on treating people downstream, or when they become sick. An unanticipated consequence of Canadian medicare is that we have made illness and disease a growth industry and we are struggling to keep up with demand.  The solution to our problem is not bigger hospitals and more doctors […]

Nearly six decades after a royal commission recommended that the income tax system be changed to recognize total family household income, instead of each individual’s income, the federal Conservative government has at last suggested that it wants to level the playing field – a move considered long overdue by Jack Mintz, a noted economist and […]