Blogs are opinion pieces and reflect their author’s views

On March 12th, the Globe and Mail had a front page headline “Canada has lost international stature, Chrétien says” which sparked a wave of media discussions. Most comments agreed with Mr. Chrétien and put the blame on Mr. Harper’s doorstep. A western think tank’s motto is: “If it matters, measure it.”  How does one measure […]

The CNOOC $15.1-billion acquisition of Nexen stirred up a nationwide debate in Canada, not least because of a premium price tag that no other big oil player around the world considered matching. The source of CNOOC’s unrivaled financial power lies in Chinese government fiscal planning that places state capital expansion above the welfare of ordinary […]

With the Keystone XL debate heating up in the United States, many opponents focus on the greenhouse gas emissions record of oil sands production. Even though Alberta oil sands emissions are 7 per cent of Canadian greenhouse gas emissions and only a miniscule part (0.15 per cent) of worldwide emissions, Keystone XL has become the […]

Managers of federal programs are required to evaluate their programs once every five years. Evaluation results are made public and include an action plan for dealing with any problems identified. Programs found to be inconsistent with government priorities or ineffective in achieving program goals would become candidates for cutbacks as part of the federal government’s […]

Colleagues at the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy have recently published two detailed studies on energy literacy in Canada – amongst both the general public, and Canadian business leaders and policy “elites”. The results are disappointing: the studies paint a picture of citizens who are misinformed (or uninformed) about how energy is produced, […]