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Click Here to View the Complete Course Guide Click Here to Learn About Your Instructors The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary invites you to register now for the Fundamentals of ESG Management. Once again, Canada’s #1 policy school is home to the executive certificate that leads in ESG. Environmental, social, and […]

Watch the Webinar  Agri-food Movers and Shakers: Urban Food Hubs and Food Policy Councils In this webinar, we’ll learn more about how cities, in all their shapes and forms, influence and impact food systems. The discussion will highlight important roles and groups within urban areas and communities across Canada, including the importance of Food […]

Watch the Webinar UCalgary Alumni All-Access – Russian Disinformation in Canada In February 2022, Russian forces invaded Ukraine, sparking the largest military conflict in Europe since the end of the Second World War. Propaganda has long been a major aspect of war. How does the Russian propaganda machine work? What impact does disinformation have on the […]

Watch the Webinar Rapid Changes and Transformations: The Future of Canada’s Energy Transition Rapid changes and transformations: The future of Canada’s energy transition This event is brought to you in collaboration with the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) 50th Anniversary Event Series, “What should be on Canada’s Policy Radar?” Countries around the world […]

Watch the Keynote and panel discussion Summary Seizing Calgary’s Opportunities in the Energy Transition The global transition to a low carbon future is imminent. Major trading partners like the U.S. are passing new legislation supporting decarbonization and technological innovation driving down the costs of low carbon energy. The result will reshape global energy markets and […]

Watch the Webinar Future Farms in Unfamiliar Places – Growing In: What can we learn from urban indoor agriculture? Growing In: What can we learn from urban indoor agriculture? Calgary is facing a push to find new uses for its downtown office buildings, and with stubbornly high vacancy rates, it has become a hot topic […]

Canadian Network on Information and Security (CANIS) offers a five-day course (PPOL 699.11) which provides an advanced introduction to security and mis/dis-information in the Canadian and global contexts. The course will focus on key issues and challenges related to mis/dis-information, provision of security, and the use of the information environment as an operational domain. Students […]

Watch the Webinar Collaborative Governance in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities for the Extractive Industry Watch Now The extractive boom in Latin America emerged at the same time as a neoliberal governance framework. In theory, these policies aim to ensure the smooth functioning of market transactions. In practice, however, there is a significant disconnect between […]

Watch the Webinar Transcontinental Town Hall: Northern development in Australia and Canada Watch Now The School of Public Policy, in partnership with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is delighted to invite you to the special event: ‘Transcontinental Town Hall: Northern development in Australia and Canada’. Lack of infrastructure, weather extremes, population density, and geopolitical […]

Watch the Webinar Successful Regenerative Farms – 2021 Watch Now Regenerative farming may be the way of the future, but what does it actually mean, and what are the impacts of regenerative agricultural practices? Two experienced farmers will share their efforts, what they have learned and the results.  Discussion surrounding regulatory and policy issues that […]

Watch the Webinar Red Flares: The Fight for Transparency and Sustainability in Africa Watch Now The world is increasingly hungry for raw materials.  That’s no secret.  The growth of Asian economies and the increasing instability of other resource rich regions means the world is looking to resource rich Africa as the next big source of […]

Watch the Webinar Regenerative Agriculture – What are the Impacts? Watch Now This webinar introduces the audience to “Regenerative Ag” in Canada, and puts it into the context of carbon sequestration through certain soil management practices. How could the concept of regenerative agriculture be defined, measured, and integrated into GHG emissions reduction policy? Could it […]

Watch the Webinar Reducing Transaction Costs on Infrastructure Corridor Projects in Canada Watch Now Infrastructure corridors are among the most complicated undertakings in Canada, requiring transactions related to everything from property rights to maintenance to finance. One way to reduce these transaction costs is by making Indigenous stakeholders partners, not just participants in negotiations. In […]

Watch the Webinar The Critical Role of Oil Companies in Global Climate Action Watch Now The energy sector is the world’s largest producer of CO2 emissions, and is central to the global energy transition. Many of the multinational oil companies, the largest players in the energy sector, have announced plans to go low or even […]

Watch the Webinar Key Constitutional Issues Relevant to the Canadian Northern Corridor Watch Now The COVID supply chain crunch is just one more piece of evidence that Canada needs more transportation infrastructure.  The Canadian Northern Corridor would be a network of access connecting north and south, and three oceans.  The corridor is an attempt to […]